A Girl Called Ruthless Special Edition Hardcover

It’s almost been two years since A Girl Called Ruthless’ initial release with Darkstroke?! I know I can hardly believe it either. In that two years so much has happened. I got an agent, I wrote three more books, I had a book die on submission, I became a finalist for America’s Next Great Author, I pivoted to working on my business and writing full-time, and so much more! But even with all these new and exciting things, Ruthless will always be my baby—my first great literary love. You probably won’t catch me reading it again because, gosh it is painful to read something I wrote so long ago, but I love the story and everything that happened with the release of the book.

As many of you know I started The Publishing Room in 2020 to help other authors learn how to self-publish. Since then, the business model has changed, and we are now a boutique publisher that has published a very select amount of books, while still offering services to teach authors writing and publishing skills. I mention The Publishing Room to say, I know how to publish a book and I know how to do it well.

After I finished writing Ruthless, I wanted a traditional publishing contract. I didn’t know if I was actually a good writer, and I needed validation from a publisher. I also didn’t want to have to pay for editing and cover design. When I signed with Darkstroke, I was over the moon, and still, to this day I think it was a good decision for my career. I learned so much about publishing from my experience. One of the biggest lessons I learned is that I could definitely do everything a small publisher does myself. Did I want to do it myself? No. But now two years later, I have the option to take back my print rights from Darkstroke and I decided to do it.

What does that mean for me now that I took my rights back, you ask? Well, now I can publish A Girl Called Ruthless in a hardback edition, have my very own ISBN linked to The Publishing Room, and I can change the interior files so it looks more professional and isn’t the smallest 60,000-word book you’ve ever seen. So, this is what I decided to do. Will it make me more money? No, probably not. Is it taking up time I don’t have? Yes, definitely. But Ruthless has never been about the money for me. I want to see my favorite book I’ve ever written in all of its hardcover glory and that’s what I’m going to do.

If you want to support this new release of mine, be sure to pick up your hardcover copy on June 14th. The link to order will be coming soon.


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